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    June 2024 Monthly Release Notes

    936 0 Created on 2024-07-08 13:47:04; Last updated on 2024-10-01 08:15:59

    Document flipping

    New Feature

    You can now configure the permitted document flips for creating Goods Receipt, Order Change, and Order Change Request as user business properties, which are available for viewing and editing in the Tradeshift.Users app. This update provides customers with greater control over Goods Receipt, Order Change, and Order Change Request documents by limiting these actions for users within a specific branch.


    UX & Layout improvements

    The Written Request app now features a new layout using the Material UI (MUI) library, enhancing the user experience for several selector fields, such as Unit of Measure.

    Invoice automation

    New Feature

    When an invoice is in a canceled status, the ongoing invoice workflow will be terminated, and any open tasks will be closed automatically. The canceled invoice line will be considered a billing revert in the invoice matching process. 

    China: batch download of digitized VAT E-Invoice XML files

    New Feature

    When sellers in China send digitized e-invoice XML files to their connected buyers, the buyers can download these e-invoice XML files in batches, for local financial document management and audit purposes.

    China: Fapiao Scan AP tag, reporting

    Feature Improvement

    When the finance AP team tags any VAT invoice in Fapiao Scan AP, the tag will be included in the full VAT invoice data report on the invoice header line data. This change improves the user experience of the customer's VAT invoice reporting and enhances efficiency of data analysis.

    China: Fapiao Scan AP tag, TSUBL

    Feature Improvement

    When the finance AP team tags any VAT invoice in Fapiao Scan AP, the tag will be included in the full VAT invoice TSUBL document as part of the additional document reference. This change improves the flexibility of VAT invoice integration based on the Invoice TSUBL additional document reference.

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