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    Applicable PDF fields when mapping

    2128 0 Created on 2020-06-24 14:00:01; Last updated on 2023-03-22 12:54:47

    This article explains what the different available PDF fields in the mapping process are and which are mandatory. The mandatory fields have been marked with *.

    Document number* (InvoiceNumber): document number must be unique.

    Document date* (InvoiceDate): all documents must be dated. For the document to be accepted on the Tradeshift platform, all dates must be written in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If your date is written in any other format, you can change it by using the function changeDateTimeFormat. To do this, you must:

    • Select the field that contains the date.
    • Choose the label to which it is relative (so that you can identify it in other documents).
    • Click on the Add Function button.
    • Choose changeDateTimeFormat and enter the input and the output formats.
    • Check that the date is now formatted correctly (YYYY-MM-DD) and then click on Confirm.

    Document Type Code* (InvoiceTypeCode): document type must be 380 (for invoices) or 381 (for credit notes). The term can be written in full (i.e. invoice or credit note) or abbreviated (i.e. inv or cred). If your document does not include this data point, use an element that identifies it as an invoice or a credit note and translate that element to 380 or 381. This can be done using the function replaceRegex. Please make sure the rules for both document types are defined (invoice and credit note).

    Before clicking Confirm, verify that the rules are applied correctly. As a last resort, this value can be provided manually, but this is not recommended, and should be used only when sending one type of document (only invoices or only credit notes).

    Currency code* (InvoiceCurrencyCode): must be present in the document. The currency code must follow the ISO 4217 standard and must be composed of three letters (i.e. EUR, USD, GBP etc). If it is not present in the document, and it will always be the same, you can add it manually to the template by following these steps:

    • Select the blank field next to the right of the InvoiceCurrencyCode box.
    • Click on the Enter Manual button at the top of the page.
    • Enter the default data in the Field value box.
    • Click on Save and check that the value populated is correct.
    • Click on Confirm.

    Order number (InvoiceBuyersOrderID): order number must be present on all documents, given that it is provided by the customer.

    Cost Center (InvoiceCostCenter): if it is not present in your documents, you have the option of entering it manually (using the Enter Manual option described above). You need to have your buyer's confirmation.

    Sender Share Capital ID (InvoiceSenderShareCapitalID): shared capital. The amount and the currency should be provided.

    Supplier/Sender name* (InvoiceSenderPartyName): name of the supplier or seller is mandatory. If it is not present in the document, it can be manually added in the PDF template using the Enter Manual option.

    Supplier tax identifier* (InvoiceSenderPartyIDTax): by law, each supplier must have a tax identifier. The VAT number should start with the country code and not contain any spaces (i.e. FR11100011101; GB1234567).

    Supplier legal identifier* (InvoiceSenderPartyIDLegal): each supplier must have a legal identifier. EU suppliers should have an intracommunity VAT number. Suppliers outside the EU should have a DUNS code. The legal identifier must not contain any spaces.

    Supplier address: sender address. The address must include the street name and number, the city, the zip code and the country code, in their corresponding fields.

    InvoiceSenderStreetName: street name and number.

    InvoiceSenderCityName: city name.

    InvoiceSenderPostalZone: postal code.

    InvoiceSenderCountryCode: country code must be provided following the ISO 3166 standard (i.e. FR for France, DE for Germany, IT for Italy etc.). It must only have two characters. 

    Buyer name* (InvoiceReceiverPartyName): name of the buyer or receiver of the goods or services. If it is not present on the document, it can be manually added in the PDF template using the Enter Manual option.

    Buyer tax identifier* (InvoiceReceiverPartyIDTax): buyer’s tax identifier (intracommunity VAT number). If it is not present in the document, it can be manually added in the PDF template using the Enter Manual option, with the customer’s confirmation.

    Buyer legal identifier *(InvoiceReceiverPartyIDLegal): buyer’s legal identifier. If it is not present on the document, it can be manually added in the PDF template, using the Enter Manual option, with the customer’s confirmation. The legal identifier must not contain any spaces.

    Buyer’s address*: buyer’s address. The address must include the street name and number, the city, the zip code and country code, in the corresponding fields.

    InvoiceReceiverCityName: city name.

    InvoiceReceiverPostalZone: postal code.

    InvoiceReceiverCountryCode: country code must be provided following the ISO 3166 standard (i.e. FR for France, DE for Germany, IT for Italy etc.) It must only have two characters. 

    Delivery address: delivery address is not mandatory. If provided, its structure must follow the same rules as described above for the other addresses and it must be entered in the corresponding fields in the PDF template.

    Delivery location ID (InvoiceDeliveryLocationID): unique identifier for the delivery location (i.e. the EAN Location Number, GLN code etc.).

    Delivery description (InvoiceDeliveryLocationDescription): description or name of the delivery location.

    Delivery name (InvoiceDeliveryName): any name that can be associated with the delivery address (i.e. the name of the contact person, the name of the location, the identification of a warehouse etc.).

    Delivery street (InvoiceDeliveryStreetName): name of a street (delivery).

    Delivery city (InvoiceDeliveryCityName): name of a city, town, or village (delivery).

    Delivery postal code (InvoiceDeliveryPostalZone): ZIP code or Post Code (delivery).

    Delivery country code (InvoiceDeliveryCountryCode): an identifier for the country to which you are making the delivery. The country code must be provided following the ISO 3166 standard (i.e. FR for France, DE for Germany, IT for Italy etc.) and must only have two characters.

    Delivery date (InvoiceDeliveryDate): if provided, it must follow the format YYYY/MM/DD.

    Payment due date (InvoicePaymentDueDate): if provided, it must follow the format YYYY/MM/DD.

    Payment details: if the payment is done via bank transfer, the following must be provided:

    • InvoicePaymentAccountNumb: the account number. If provided, it should contain a maximum of 34 alphanumeric characters and should not include any spaces.
    • InvoicePaymentBankID: the BIC/SWIFT code for the bank. If provided, it should contain a maximum of 11 alphanumeric characters (normally it is just 8 characters in length) and should not include any spaces.
    • InvoicePaymentTermsNote: note to the receiver of the payment. If provided, it should contain a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters.

    Invoice amounts*: tax amount, as well as the totals before and after tax, are mandatory data points. The corresponding fields from the PDF template are the following:

    • InvoiceTotalTaxAmount*: the total tax amount.
    • InvoiceTotalLineAmount*: the total of line amounts net of tax and settlement discounts.
    • InvoiceTotal*: the total amount to be paid.

    Note: All the invoice amounts (at header and at line level), as well as the tax percentage must be provided in the format expected by the Tradeshift platform.

  • there must be no delimiter between the thousands and the hundreds (example: $1234.67).
  • the decimal sign must be a point (not a comma).
  • if your amounts are not written in this format, you may change the format using the replaceText function.
  • If you have a point or a space between the thousands and the hundreds, you can remove it by entering the sign in question in the find box and leaving the replacement box empty.
  • Click on Save and check that the output is as expected
  • If the format is still incorrect for the Tradeshift platform, you can click on Add Function to continue editing the number, as many times as necessary.

    Once the first issue is fixed, you can correct the decimal mark as well, by replacing the comma with a dot. Use the replaceText function once again and insert a comma in the find box and a point in the replacement box.

  • Click on Save and check that the output is in the correct format.
  • If correct, click on Confirm and continue mapping the rest of the fields.
  • Amounts should only contain digits.  Any other characters which may be captured along with the actual amount, such as spaces, dashes, percent signs, currency codes etc. should be removed. You can remove them using the replaceText function, as described above, as many times as necessary.

    Please bear in mind that the order in which the replaceText function is used is important and all replacements will be applied in that specific order.

    VAT rate (InvoiceTaxPercent)*: tax rate, expressed as a percentage. This connector is intended for documents with just one tax rate.

    Reason for VAT exemption (InvoiceTaxExemptionReason): this is a free text field which must be completed if you have opted for VAT exemption.

    Billing reference (InvoiceBillingReferenceID): only applicable for credit notes. All credit notes should contain the number (reference) of the related invoice. This field should not be populated for invoices.

    Line items table: extraction of the line items information will trigger the creation of a table, for which you will need to define references. These references should be elements that are always present in the PDFs documents. The below elements are required for each line item :

    • Item quantity* (InvoiceLineQuantity): quantity (of items) on the Invoice Line.
    • Line amount* (InvoiceLineExtensionAmount): total amount for the Invoice Line, including line level charges and discounts, but net of taxes. The rules regarding the amount format apply here, as well.
    • Item description* (InvoiceLineItemDescription): free-form field that can be used to give a text description of the item.
    • The seller’s item identification code (InvoiceLineSellersItemID): your identifier for the item.
    • Unit price (InvoiceLineUnitPrice): unit price of the item, net of taxes.
    • Unit of measure code (InvoiceLineUnitCode): unit codes must adhere to norms imposed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). As such, you may use the following unit codes in your documents:
    • EA (each)
    • PA (packet)
    • PK (package)
    • HUR (hour)
    • DAY (day)
    • MIL (thousand)
    • MLT (millilitre)
    • LTR (litre)
    • MTR (metre)
    • KGM (kilogram)
    • TNE (metric ton)

    If your documents include a unit code which is not mentioned in the list above, you may refer to the UnitOfMeasureCode tab in the TSUBL specification sheet to see what the correct corresponding unit code in the TSUBL standard is.

    If you do not have a unit code in your PDF files or you cannot adhere to the UNECE standard, you may leave the field empty in the template and the value EA (i.e. each) will be populated automatically.

    Line note (optional - InvoiceLineNote): free-form text applying to the Invoice Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.

    Line ID (InvoiceLineID): identifies the Invoice Line. If the line ID is not provided, it will be automatically calculated in the mapping.

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