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    Gateway Detail

    1608 0 Created on 2020-09-25 06:54:56; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:13

    This page shows all the details about a gateway, and gives access to all operations that can be made on gateways.

    This page can be accessed from the gateways list, or by following any link that refers to a gateway.

    The page contains the following tabs.


    The general tab contains the signaletic information of the gateway, and offers actions that act on the whole gateway.

    • Direction: Field used to indicate if the message is coming in the system or leaving it. 
    • Type: Type of the gateway. See gateway types for more details. 
    • Name: A name that you can set and/or modify to easily retrieve and manage your element. 
    • Description:  A free text field that you can set and/or modify used in addition to the element name to help you identify your element usage and/or function. 
    • ID: A unique identifier automatically set by the Babelway platform. 
    • Created On: Date and time of element creation. 
    • Last Updated On: Date and time of last element configuration update. 

    If the gateway is based on time, for instance a FTP Client Gateway using polling, this page contains a Poll now action button. This button triggers the gateway action directly without waiting for the next defined moment.


    This tab contains the configuration of the gateway.

    The parameters depend on the type of the gateway.

    Related items

    This tab contains quick links to many other elements related to this gateway.

    • Using Channels: All the channels that use this element. 
    • Parent: The parent is the element from which the element has been copied.
    • Children:  The children is the element which is a copy of the current element. 
    • Connected gateways (within this environment): List of gateways to which this gateway sends messages. 
    • Connected gateways (within this environment): List of gateways from which this gateway receives messages. 
    • Connected Notifications: List of notifications from which this gateway receives messages. 
    • Messages Processed by this gateway: A link that shows you the message list filtered, to show messages processed by this gateway. 
    • Connected Message Definition (through extra-processing):List of message definitions that have an extra-processing related to this gateway. 

    Change Log

    This tabs shows you all the history of changes made on this gateway, and allows you to revert to a past version. For more details, see the change log section.

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