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    Gateway Types: Part 2

    1968 1 Created on 2020-10-22 07:51:27; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:36

    • Rest Gateway In: Allows you to implement a REST api and it is using asynchronous request.

    • X.400 Gateway In: Incoming messages are transferred to a Babelway specific X.400 server and processed as soon as they arrive.

    • Scheduler Gateway In: Create new messages based on time triggers.

    • NFS Gateway In: Incoming messages are polled and retrieved from a remote NFS server using login and password.

    • SAP Gateway In: Incoming messages are pushed to Babelway from an SAP server and processed as soon as they arrive.

    • Dropbox Gateway In: Incoming messages are polled from a Dropbox account.

    • Tradeshift Gateway In: Incoming messages are polled from a Tradeshift account.

    • E-conomic Gateway In: Incoming messages are pushed to Babelway from an E-conomic account and processed as soon as they arrive.

    • VAN Gateway In: Incoming messages are polled from ECGrid VAN.

    Rest Gateway In

    This gateway in allows you to easily publish a REST API

    It has the following characteristics:

    It will respond synchronously to the REST API calls with the result of the processing of the message by the channels.

    • It injects an xml message in that contains all the elements of the REST call (uri, parameters, expected output format).
    • It supports 'json', 'xml' and 'csv' as output format.
    • It supports multi-credentials.

    The specific settings are:

    • URL Identifier:  Part of the URL that identifies this gateway. The URLs to call the REST API will have the form
    • Body of API call as message content: Activate this settings if you want to use the body of the API call (also known as the payload of the HTTP call) as message IN content. This only works with POST, PUT and PATCH HTTP methods. If you deactivate this options, your message content will look like the XML example we provided in the help guide. 
    • URL to Call: The URL to call the REST API.
    • Allowed credentials: A list of user names/password pairs that are allowed to access this API. The user will have the choice to provide user name and password via http basic authentication, http settings 'user' and 'password' or http headers 'user' and 'password'. 
    • URL patterns: Optional. If filled, the requested URL will be checked again. This pattern will be refused if it doesn't match at least one pattern. You can also prefix the pattern with 'PRE:', 'POST:', 'PUT:', ... if you want this pattern to only be accessible via one specific http method. 

    Here is an example of message In, that is generated by this gateway if you use the HTTP method POST.

    xml tags will match the HTTP method you use to perform the call. Those would be if you are using the GET method, etc.

    Below is how to use the URL parameters for a REST API Server Gateway IN

    For example we have created the REST API Server Gateway IN with the below parameters as a test values for explanation

    1-The "Url identifier" as "testurl".

    2-Regarding the "Allowed credentials" the "Username" as "usernametest" and the "Password" as "passwordtest".

    3-For this test environment the "Url to call" is " Params).(json|xml)"


    REST API Server Gateway IN

    To use the URL settings for a REST API Server Gateway IN, for example, this is the Url to call " Params).(json|xml)"

    You will replace the (?URL Params) with your URL params you want to use them.

    Regarding the (json|xml) here you can determine the format of the data.

    Note: If you want to get the input message name then you have to select one of the two below mentioned options. This is due to the fact that, when using the REST API Server Gateway IN there is no file.

    • Option one: You will need to include the input file name somewhere in the API call in the body of the HTTP call.
    • Option two: You will need to include the input file name somewhere in the URL parameters.

    Now you can use the name that you have provided by selecting one of the two above mentioned options to create the output message file name.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    X.400 Gateway In

    An X.400 In Gateway allow to receive messages from X.400 networks. Your trading partners can reach you via your private X.400 address.

    The specific settings are:

    • X.400 address: The account private address. This is the address to communicate to your trading partners. The formatting may vary from one partner to the other. The most common format is: C=WW; A=400NET; P=BABELWAY; S=HUB-25333 /C=WW/A=400NET/P=BABELWAY/S=HUB-25333. 

    After channel deployment, your connection will be available to send messages.

    The first time X.400 is used in an account, it has to be enabled by Babelway support. The request is done automatically and you will be notified when the gateway is functional.


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Scheduler Gateway In

    The Scheduler in Gateway allows you to create a message based on a time trigger.

    The specific settings are:

    • Frequency: Number of seconds between two events. The default value is 90 seconds and cannot be lower. This is the simplest way to define a time event. For more complex needs, use the Cron Expression property instead. 
    • Cron expression: Cron expression. Allows you to define complex time expressions like every weekday night at 23:00 (0 0 23 ? * MON-FRI *). This takes precedence on the frequency property. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at: For more information, please refer to the following page:
    • Message: Message template that will be sent each time this scheduler is activated. If not filled, a default xml is used (that just contains the time and the gateway id). 


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Internal Gateway In

    The internal gateway in / out is used to transfer messages between 2 channels within the same account environment.

    There is no setting to define in this template. The internal gateway will be automatically created using the gateway name you entered. You will then be able to select it as an Internal Gateway Out in another channel configuration.

    As opposed to most other gateways, the internal gateway is immediately available as the gateway out for other channels configuration without requiring a channel deployment.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Message record Gateway In

    This gateway exports periodically your message records (Messages details from the Monitoring). The export is in CSV, and is exactly the same format that you would have by exporting your messages manually in the interface.

    • Period:  The period with the messages to export. 
    • Filter:  In addition to the time criteria, this setting allows you to define additional criteria to filter the messages to export. 
    • In gateways:  The list of gateways for which you want the processed messages. 
    • Channels: The list of channels for which you want the processed messages. 
    • Cron expression: Cron expression. Allows you to define complex time expressions like every weekday night at 23:00 (0 0 23 ? * MON-FRI *). If left empty, the export will be scheduled automatically based on your period criteria. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at: For more information, please refer to the following page:

    Note: In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).

    This Gateway In is used to get the Message records from your environment and then for example the channel which has this Gateway In will send to your system a custom statistics every 7 days, The below example show how this is done.

    1-Create a Gateway In of type Message Record then set the Cron expression to scheduled every 7 days.


    Gateway IN of type Message Record

    2-For example the Message Out is of type XML that will contain custom statistics structure, In the transformation map all of the field from the "Message In" to the "Message out" to achieve the required information.


    Message Record Transformation

    3-Every seven days the channel will send a custom statistics XML file to your system, Below is a sample for the generated XML file.


    Message Record Output


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Lookup table Gateway In

    This gateway allows you to create a message from the content of a lookup table. The message created is a XML document. It uses the same format as the XML CSV representation used internally by Babelway.

    • Lookup Table Id: The technical id of the lookup table. 
    • Include headers: Check this to add the column names as headers of the messages created.
    • Filter 1 column: Column used to filter the extract of the lookup tables entries. 
    • Filter 2 column: Column used to filter the extract of the lookup tables entries. 
    • Filter 2 value: Value used to filter the extract of the lookup tables entries. 
    • Filter 3 column: Column used to filter the extract of the lookup tables entries. 
    • Filter 3 value:  Value used to filter the extract of the lookup tables entries. 
    • Post extract operation: Optional operation to perform on selected entries (NONE, DELETE and UPDATE) after extraction. Default is DELETE 
    • Column to update: Column to update after the extract of the lookup tables entries, Only used with 'Update' in 'Post extract operation'. 
    • Column to update:  Column to update after the extract of the lookup tables entries, Only used with 'Update' in 'Post extract operation'. 
    • Update value: Value to use when updating the column to update. 
    • Limit: Maximum number of entries to extract in 1 execution of this gateway. 
    • Entries per message: Maximum number of entries per message. If the overall limit is bigger, several messages will be created for each execution of this gateway. 
    • Cron expression: Cron expression. Allows you to define complex time expressions like every weekday night at 23:00 (0 0 23 ? * MON-FRI *). If left empty, the system will check at least once every 15 minutes. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at: For more information, please refer to the following page:


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    NFS Gateway In

    The NFS gateway is used to connect and fetch files from a remote NFS server.

    • Server: Hostname of the NFS server.
    • Export:  Name of the exported volume. 
    • Login method:  NFS login method: use PCNFSD for username / password and UGID to directly use UID, GID and GIDS. 
    • Username: Username used for the NFS authentication. Only used with PCNFSD login method. 
    • Password: Password used for the NFS authentication. Only used with PCNFSD login method. 
    • User ud: Unix user UID to use during authentication. Only used with UGID login method. 
    • User group id: Unix user's group GID to use during authentication. Only used with UGID login method. 
    • User extra group ids: Unix user's additional groups GID to use during authentication, encoded as a comma separated list. Only used with UGID login method. 
    • Directory:  Local NFS path to the folder you want to use. This is relative to the export. 
    • Filename pattern: If not empty, only the files whose name matches this pattern will be transferred. 
    • Suffix during transfer: Suffix that will be appended to the file name when a file is being transferred. This mechanism is used to prevent that a file is transferred twice. 
    • After transfer behavior: What will happen to your file after we have read it. This behaviour is important so that your file is not read again at next poll. The possible values are : 
    • Delete. It is the default. After having read it, the file will be deleted from the remote server. 
    • Rename. A suffix will be appended to the file name. 
    • Move. File will be moved to another folder of the remote server. 
    • Move and rename. File will be moved to another folder, and renamed. 
    • DoNothing. Don't do anything. Be very careful with this option, as it could mean that your file will be redownloaded at each poll. Should only be used with servers that move or delete the file automatically at  download. 
    • Suffix after transfer: Suffix that will be appended to the file name when a file has been completely transferred. The use of this mechanism allows you to keep the file after the transfer, with this suffix appended to its name. If left empty, the file will be deleted after the transfer. 
    • Folder for transferred files: Directory where transferred files will be moved. 
    • Cron expression: By default, the gateway will regularly poll the messages from your NFS server, so that they come into Babelway a short time (less than 10 minutes) after they have been placed in your NFS server. You can write here a cron expression to customize the polling schedule. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at:


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB

    SAP Gateway In

    The SAP Gateways are based on the SAP RFC protocol and JCo technology. RFC is an SAP interface protocol allowing internal or external systems to communicate with the SAP system. JCo is the Java implementation of RFC distributed by SAP. Babelway leverage the built-in JCo redundancy mechanism to distribute the gateway on our different locations (data centers).


    Solutions Overview

    System boundaries, acknowledgment and error management

    For Inbound IDoc, Babelway sends the IDoc to SAP. If the message cannot be delivered to SAP, the error will be managed using the traditional Babelway process. Error notifications will be delivered to registered users. When the message is delivered to SAP, Babelway fetches the detailed status and error messages of the IDoc. The messages are always set to 'acknowledged' when the transmission is successfully. However the status could be SUCCESS or ERROR depending the SAP IDOC status code.

    For Outbound IDoc, SAP sends IDOC to Babelway. If the message cannot be delivered to Babelway, the IDoc is in error in SAP with a status = 20. Once the message is delivered to Babelway, SAP automatically change the status to 03. In addition of this, we provide a function to explicitly change the status by calling the RFC defined during the setup phase. This allow SAP that the remaining of the IDoc processing will entirely take place in Babelway.

    Connectivity Setup

    Babelway provides the gateways to communicate in both direction. SAP Gateway In allows to receive outbound IDoc and SAP Gateway Out allows to send inbound IDoc to SAP. The JCo RFC Provider service uses a TCP/IP connection type. In order to secure this connection, Babelway advices one of the following solutions:

    • Option 1: A strict firewall rule to allow Babelway public IP addresses to connect to the SAP server
    • Option 2: Using SAP router in the DMZ, as well as the firewall configuration like in Option1
    • Option 3: You can contact Babelway support to setup a IPSec VPN between the Babelway public IP addresses and the SAP server. Please send a request to

    The Port number used to contact the SAP system range from 3300 to 3399. The exact port number depends on the SAP system you want to reach. The exact port number must be given in the parameters (defined below). Firewall need to allow Babelway server to reach these ports.

    SAP configuration

    Here is the list of the SAP specific setup to perform in order to make the connector working. This is guide lines

    • Create a "RFC destination" (transaction sm59) with the name "BABELWAY". The "Connection Type" is "TCP/IP Connection". Go to "Technical settings" and fill "BABELWAY" in the "Program ID" field. Go next to the "Unicode" tab and in the "Communication Type", select the "Unicode".


    RFC Destination

    • Create a "Ports in IDoc processing" (transaction we21) in the "Transactional RFC" with the name "BABELWAY".


    Ports in IDoc processing

    • For inbound IDoc, there is no special configuration. All programs are allowed to delivered IDocs for all partners. For outbound IDoc, Go to "Partner profiles" (transaction we20) then for each partner and each "Message Type" you want to change, go to "Outbound Options" and change the "Receiver port" to "BABELWAY" in the tab "tRFC".


    Sap Partner Profiles


    Sap Partner Profiles Outbound Parameters

    • If you want to leverage the "Update Status" feature, you need to add the specific RFC call. By default the system will call the following function: ZZBABELWAY_IDOC_STATUS_UPD taking 2 input parameters: PI_DOCNUM (IDoc number) and PI_STATUS (the new status = 16). The code for such function is given here.
    • Here is a list of transactions that could help you during the setup of your connection:
    • sm59 : maintenance of "RFC destination"
    • we21 : maintenance of "Ports in IDoc processing"
    • we20 : maintenance of "Partner profiles"
    • we02 : "IDoc List"we19 : "Test tool for IDoc processing"
    • sm58 : "Transactional RFC". Use this to look for TID = Gateway In message key
    • smgw : "Gateway Monitor"
    • sm21 : "System Log"
    • we63 : "Documentation" usefull to get IDoc parser or XSD to use in Babelway wizard
    • su01 : "User Maintenance"

    Babelway configuration

    Simply create a channel with the SAP gateway and XML IDoc message definition.

    Sap Channel Details

    The specific parameters are :

    • SAP client: SAP client to use. This is the three digit number you use in the first field of the login screen of SAP Gui. It has the name 'Client' and is just above the user and password fields. For instance: 001, 210, 400
    • User:  The Valid SAP user ID you want to use. Ideally this should be a user specially created for this purpose. For instance: user 
    • Password: Password associated with the user ID. For instance: password 
    • Server address:  IP or DNS name for SAP application server. For instance: if using a sap router, use the sap router syntax details here: /H/SAP_ROUTER/S/3300/H/SAP_SERVER/S/3300 if you are using a NAT: put the public address in sm59 
    • RFC destination: This is the name of the RFC Destination to use. This RFC destination must use TCP/IP connection. See help for more details. For instance: BABELWAY
    • SAP system number:  SAP system number is the last 2 digits of the SAP client. For instance: 01, 10, 00. Default is the last 2 digits of SAP client parameter
    • Gateway address:  IP or DNS name for SAP gateway. It could be the same as jco.client.ashost if no external gateway is used. the For instance: Default is the same as SAP server address parameter.
    • Gateway port: This is the port number to reach the TCP RFC server. For instance use 3301 to reach system 01 or 3310 to reach system 10. Default is 3300 the last 2 digits of SAP client parameter.
    • Custom update status: Should the system call the RFC function to explicitly update the status in SAP. Default is true and it required a RFC to be configured in SAP. Default is false. 
    • Update status function: The name of the RFC updating the status. For instance: ZZBABELWAY_IDOC_STATUS_UPD 
    • Use unicode: Specify if unicode should be used. Use 0 for false and 1 for true. For instance: 0 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Dropbox Gateway In

    The Dropbox gateway in allows to retrieve your messages from a Dropbox account.T

    The specific settings are:

    • Dropbox account: The name of the Dropbox account from which the messages are polled. This information is "read only", and set by the wizard when you allow Babelway to access the Dropbox account.
    • Folder: The folder in your Dropbox account from which the messages are transferred to Babelway. This folder is located under the path /Apps/Babelway/
    • Filename pattern: If not empty, only the files whose name matches this pattern will be transferred to Babelway. Otherwise, all files are automatically transferred to Babelway 
    • Suffix during transfer: Suffix that will be appended to the file name when a file is being transferred. This mechanism is used to prevent that a file is transferred twice. 
    • After transfer behavior: What will happen to your file after we have read it. This behavior is important so that your file is not read again at next poll. The possible values are : 

    • Delete. It is the default. After having read it, the file will be deleted from the remote server. 
    • Rename. A suffix will be appended to the file name. 
    • Move. File will be moved to another folder of the remote server. 
    • Move and rename. File will be moved to another folder, and renamed. 
    • DoNothing. Don't do anything. Be very careful with this option, as it could mean that your file will be redownloaded at each poll. Should only be used with servers that move or delete the file automatically at download. 
    • Suffix after transfer: Suffix that will be appended to the file name when a file has been completely transferred. The use of this mechanism allows you to keep the file after the transfer, with this suffix appended to its name. If left empty, the file will be deleted after the transfer. 
    • Folder for transferred files: Directory where transferred files will be moved. 
    • Scheduling: By default, the gateway will regularly poll the messages from your Dropbox account, so that they come into Babelway a short time (less than 10 minutes) after they have been placed in your Dropbox account. You can write here a cron expression to customize the polling schedule. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at :


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    Tradeshift Gateway In

    This gateway allows to retrieve files directly from an account on Tradeshift. The document retrieved will be marked as 'processed-by-babelway' in Tradeshift. The message will contain 2 metadata, 'document.metadata' containing the document metadatas and '' containing the connection properties, both as a single line JSON string.

    • API URL: URL Prefix to call Tradeshift API. Default is 
    • Polling type:  Choose 'Document' for regular fetching of document. Choose 'Workflow' to poll workflow document.
    • Tenant Id: The Tradeshift tenantId to use. Use Babelway application in Tradeshift to retrieve this value. 
    • Token: The Tradeshift token to use. Use Babelway application in Tradeshift to retrieve this value.
    • Secret:  The Tradeshift token secret to use. Use Babelway application in Tradeshift to retrieve this value. 
    • Consumer key: The Tradeshift consumer key to use to authenticate the Babelway application. This should be left empty in most of the case. 
    • Consumer secret: The Tradeshift consumer secret to use to authenticate the Babelway application. This should be left empty in most of the case. 
    • Stag: Specify where the document should be retrieved from. Values are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sales', 'purchases', 'inbox,outbox', 'inbox,outboxsales,purchases', 'draft', 'sent'. Default is 'inbox'. 
    • Type: type of document to retrieve. Values are 'invoice', 'creditnote', 'order', 'despatchadvice', 'invoice,creditnote', 'invoice,creditnote,order,despatchadvice'. Default is 'invoice'. 
    • Additional query parameters: Parameter list added to the initial 'list documents' api call. 
    • Reverse documents order: Process the documents in reverse order of retrieval. This option is useful if you query documents with the property 'ascending' set to false, which results in document being polled in the reverse order timewise, to process them in the correct order 
    • Query parameters:  Parameters used to build the document query. It is highly recommended to at least set the properties 'withouttag', 'limit', 'type' and 'stag'. 
    • Get document metadata:  Should document metadata be fetched? 
    • Get network connections properties: Should network connection properties be fetched? 
    • Poll processed documents: Poll processed documents by appending '/processed' to the GET document call 
    • Additional tags: Set these tags to the document. It is important to at least set the 'withouttag' to avoid multiple processing of same message 
    • Properties: Set these properties to the document 
    • Tags to remove: List of tags you want to remove from the document 
    • Properties to remove: List of properties you want to remove from the document 
    • Pull collaborations:  Fetch collaboration messages for every document. Collaboration datas will be saved in message metadatas.
    • Collaboration type: Which type of collaborations to fetch.
    • Fetch Attachments: Include attachment into fetched data? 
    • Frequency: Number of seconds between 2 checks. The default value is 3600 seconds (1 hour) and it can be lowered; the minimum accepted value is 90 seconds. This is the simplest way to define a time event. For more complex need, use the Cron Expression property instead. 
    • Cron expression: By default, the gateway will regularly poll the messages from your Tradeshift account, so that they come into Babelway less than one hour after they have been placed in your Tradeshift account. You can write here a cron expression to customise the polling schedule. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at :

    This Gateway In allow you connect to Tradeshift server to receive specific document base on the configuration of this Gateway In.

    By using the Tradeshift API in the configuration in the Gateway In we can control to receive:

    -A specific document type (The corresponding parameter is "type").

    -Receive document in ascending or descending order (The corresponding parameters is "ascending").

    -Receive document issued between a specific period of time (The corresponding parameters are "minissuedate" and "maxissuedate").

    -Control the limit of the received document in one call (The corresponding parameter is "limit").

    The below link from Tradeshift describes all of the Tradeshift API calls to be used in this Gateway In.

    When the Tradeshift "Gateway In" is used in the channel and the message is in status of "in delivery" in the Babelway system then it will be marked as "processed-by-babelway" in Tradeshift, If the status is "Success" in the Babelway system then it will be marked as "sent-by-babelway" in Tradeshift, and if the status is "Error" in the Babelway system then it will be marked as "babelway-errorDescription" in Tradeshift.

    For each message retrieved from Tradeshift two metadata are created and stored in the Context in file related to each document separately, This is stored in the "contextIn.xml" file in the "UserMetadatas" tag.

    The "document.metadata" metadata contains all of the information related to this document for example (DocumentId, DocumentType, documentProfileId, … etc) stored in a JSON string.

    Document Metadata

    The "" metadata contains all of the information related to this connection properties for example (OpenDated, SupplierCategory, CompanyUrl, … etc) stored in a JSON string.

    Connection Properties

    Example 1

    We want to only poll documents with specific connection property which is "argtag"="TestInbound".

    To accomplish this we will use the two query parameters "propertykey" and "propertyvalue".

    In this case the "propertykey" will be "argtag" and the "propertyvalue" will be "TestInbound".

    1-Create the Tradeshift Gateway In and configure the connection parameters.

    2-From the Gateway In click on "Properties".

    3-In the "Tradeshift" section for the "Additional query parameters" we will create the two query parameters with the corresponding values.


    Example 1

    Example 2

    The default limit for polling is 25 documents, so in this case for example we want to change it to be 70 documents.

    To accomplish this we will use the query parameters "limit" which will be set to 70.

    In the "Tradeshift" section for the "Additional query parameters" we will create the query parameter "limit" and set its value to "70".


    Example 2


    Example 3

    The query parameter "tag" is set by default to be interpreted as "OR" in this case we want to change it to be interpreted as "AND" this is done by setting the query parameter "useAndOperatorForTags" to "true".

    In the "Tradeshift" section for the "Additional query parameters" we will create the query parameter "useAndOperatorForTags" and set its value to "true".


    Example 3

    Example 4

    We can use query parameter at the same time, In this we want to only poll documents with specific connection property which is "argtag"="TestInbound" and with limit of 70 documents.

    We will use the three query parameters "propertykey" and "propertyvalue" and "limit".

    In this case the "propertykey" will be "argtag" and the "propertyvalue" will be "TestInbound" and the "limit" will be "70".


    Example 4 


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Amazon Marketplace Gateway In

    This gateway allows to retrieve orders from an account on Amazon Marketplace. The gateway will only process orders created after the deployment of the gateway.

    • Process: Request for changing this parameter. Type of process. 'PollOrders' is the only one supported at this stage. 
    • Endpoint: Endpoint is the entry point for an Amazon marketplace web service. Default is 
    • Access key:  Amazon marketplace web services access key ID. 
    • Secret key:  Amazon marketplace web services secret key ID. 
    • Seller Id:  Amazon marketplace seller ID. 
    • Marketplace Id: Amazon marketplace ID.
    • Cron expression: By default, the gateway will regularly poll the messages from your Amazon Marketplace account, so that they come into Babelway less than one hour after they have been placed in your Amazon Marketplace account. You can write here a cron expression to customize the polling schedule. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at :

    Note: This Gateway In only receive order messages from Amazon Marketplace.

    The below link has the complete list for all of the available FeedType in the Amazon MWS Feeds API section.

    Below is a link for a list of Amazon Marketplace that will help you to access Amazon Marketplace

    Web Service (Amazon MWS) through a URL endpoint for your Amazon marketplace.


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    E-conomic Gateway In

    The E-conomic wizard is used to create a gateway that lets you query your e-conomic online account ( and retrieve invoice documents based on a specified CVR reference.

    The specific settings are:


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    VAN Gateway In

    This gateway allows to retrieve files from specific trading partners on ECGrid VAN. A Trading Partner is the company from whom you are going to receive documents. You may wish to use this gateway for example to integrate with Rite Aid or Wayfair.

    The VAN gateway receives the message based on the Identifier / Qualifier pair as determined in the X12 or Edifact data. They look like this:

    X12: ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SENDERID *ZZ*RECEIVERID *010101*0101*U*00401*000000001*0*T*!


    For the VAN IN Gateway, your ID Is the Receiver ID. Your Trading Partner ID is the Sender ID.

    If you are using an already existing ID (on another VAN), your ID must be migrated to Babelway before you can begin receiving documents. To do so you must:

    1-Download and complete this letter of authorization, found here

    2-Printout on your company letterhead, scan with completed information

    3-Send authorization to along with your desired migration date

    Please note that this migration will cause all traffic under this ID to be routed to the Babelway VAN Gateway In. You must be prepared to process all documents that you currently receive through your old VAN before the migration can be completed successfully.

    If you would rather use a new ID and have your partners change what they are using, Babelway let’s you create a new ID on the gateway.

    Your identifiers: Your Names / Identifiers / Qualifiers on VANs. All EDI messages specifying these Id/Qual in recipient will be routed to this gateway. Identifier = The X12 or EDIFACT ID for the ISA and UNB segments. Qualifier = The X12 or EDIFACT Qualifier for the ISA and UNB segments (Maximum is 2 characters). The name should be your company/ entity name and will be used by other EDI partners to find you before sending messages. 


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • VAN ID can't be used in two different environments. You can only share it in the same environment with more than one channel, then you will have to set routing conditions.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.






















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