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    Gateway Types: Part 5

    1692 0 Created on 2020-10-27 12:47:44; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:36

    Internal Gateway Out

    The internal gateway in / out are used to transfer messages between 2 channels within the same Babelway environment. All the user defined metadata defined in the messages are passed in the context of the new message.

    The specific settings are:

    • Connected Gateways: Select the internal gateways In that will receive the message. You can select multiple gateway in. A copy of the message will be sent to each of them. 
    • Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Response Filename: Filename of the Response message. 
    • User Metadata Transfer Strategy: The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the new message created in the connected gateways. 

    As opposed to most other gateways, the internal gateway is immediately available as gateway out for other channels configuration without requiring a channel deployment.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Null Gateway Out

    The null gateway can be used for test and development purposes. The outgoing message will not be sent anywhere and remain in Babelway.

    Outgoing messages will not be forwarded but they are nevertheless created and readable through the Messages interface. You may use this gateway for testing your messages before going to production or for preventing a channel to send messages before deployment.

    • Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Splitter Gateway Out

    The splitter gateway OUT enables to split a message into multiple messages. The splitter can split according to RegEx, XPath, Edifact or X12 expressions. The resulting messages are forwarded to one or more channels in the same environment.

    The specific settings are:

    • Connected gateways: Select the internal gateways In that will receive the split messages. You can select multiple gateway in. A copy of the message will be sent to each of them. 
    • Split type: The split type determines how the file will be analyzed (text, xml, edifact) to split it in parts. 
    • Message Delay: Introduces a delay (in seconds, up to maximum 300 seconds) before it sends out each message. For example, if the delay is set to 30 and the split generates 4 messages, each message will be sent 30 seconds appart with the last message dispatched 1.5 minutes after the split. 
    • User Metadata Transfer Strategy: The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the new message created in the connected gateways. 
    • Filename: Filename of the parent message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Response filename: Filename of the split message.
    • Header expression: Regex expression to create a header added to each split message.
    • Regular expression: RegEx expression to select the content of the split message. [\n](?=EE)which means split when seeing line return and then EE
    • Lines: Split the message every so many lines.
    • Xpath expression: XPath to select the content of the split message. 
    • Footer expression: Regex expression to create a footer added to each split message 
    • Keep xml parents: Keep the parent node of the split xml. Only valid with XPath splitting. 
    • Omit xml declaration:  Skip the xml declaration in the split xml. Only valid with XPath splitting.
    • Xslt: Optional Xslt to perform on the split Xml. Only valid with XPath splitting. 
    • Input charset: Charset to use to decode file waiting to be split.
    • Output charset: Charset to use to encode the file resulting of the splitting.


    • In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Aggregator Gateway Out

    The aggregator gateway OUT enables to aggregate messages into one single file. The aggregator can append the messages, use an xslt to merge xml documents or merge Edifact or X12 documents. The resulting message is forwarded to one or more channels in the same environment.

    All the user defined metadata in the first of the aggregated messages are passed in the context of the aggregated message.

    The specific settings are:

    • Send aggregate to gateway(s): The internal gateway where to send the aggregated message. You can select multiple gateways in. A copy of the message will be sent to each of them. 
    • Aggregation type: Select 'append' for simple append. Use header, separator and footer to control the aggregation. Select 'xml' to create an aggregation of xml document. Optionally an xslt can be applied to the result. Select 'edifact' or 'x12' to merge edi documents; the envelope of the first document will be used. Select 'zip' to wrap messages in a single zip file. Select 'tar' to wrap messages in a single tar file. 
    • Group by metadata: Optional. Enables to generate different aggregated files grouping incoming messages based on the value of a metadata. Example: 3 messages arrive with value A, B and A in the selected metadata. The aggregator will generate 1 file with the 2 messages with value A and 1 file with 1 message with the value B.
    • Maximum file size (MB): Optional. By default, Babelway will put the message in error if it exceeds the maximum size allowed by the system (check documentation on allowed file sizes). If you specify a value, when the number of MB of the generated file reaches that value, Babelway will generate a message with the current values and start again with another file until all messages are processed.  
    • Max file size naming strategy: Specifies how you want Babelway to differentiate files when split by the "Max file size" parameter. Either alphabetical append (alpha: filename, filename-a, filename-b) or numeric append (numeric: filename, filename-1, filename-2). 
    • Frequency: Frequency in seconds. Default is 300 (5 minutes). 
    • Cron expression: Cron expression. Allows you to define complex time expressions like every weekday night at 23:00 (0 23 ? * MON-FRI). This takes precedence on the frequency property. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at: For more information, please refer to the following page:
    • Input filename:  Filename of the message OUT of the channel that serves as input to the aggregator. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Output filename: Filename of the aggregated file, by default the file name is set to 'aggregate'. Tip: You can use: {com_babelway_messaging_context_aggregator_groupBy} to include the name of the group by in the file name, or any user defined metadata defined in the first of the aggregated messages. 
    • Minimum idle time: If you specify a time (in seconds), the aggregation will wait that time after the reception of a new incoming message, even if it conflicts with its scheduled run. This allows, for example, ensuring all messages from a batch are included in a single aggregation. 
    • Header: For 'append' type: prefix to add at the beginning of the file. For 'xslt' type: name for the root of the resulting message. Default='messages' 
    • Separator: For 'append' type: message separator. For 'xslt' type: name for the element surrounding each message. Default='message' 
    • Footer: Suffix to add at the beginning of the file. 
    • Xslt: Xslt to execute on the resulting Xml. 
    • Edifact skip UNA: Check this to skip the UNA section in EDIFACT and Odette messages. 
    • Edifact control: Define a custom XPATH expression used to compute the edifact control field. If left empty, the control of the first message will be used. 
    • Input charset: Charset to use to decode the file waiting to be aggregated. Default is UTF8. 
    • Output charset: Charset to use to encode the file resulting of the aggregation. Default is UTF8. 
    • User Metadata Transfer Strategy: The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the new message created in the connected gateways. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    NFS Gateway Out

    The NFS gateway is used to connect and push files to a remote NFS server.

    • Server:  Hostname of the NFS server. 
    • Export: Name of the exported volume. 
    • Login method: NFS login method: use PCNFSD for username / password and UGID to directly use UID, GID and GIDS 
    • Username: Username used for the NFS authentication. Only used with PCNFSD login method. 
    • Password: Password used for the NFS authentication. Only used with PCNFSD login method. 
    • User uid: Unix user UID to use during authentication. Only used with UGID login method.
    • User group gid: Unix user's group GID to use during authentication. Only used with UGID login method. 
    • User extra group ids: Unix user's additional groups GID to use during authentication, encoded as a comma separated list. Only used with UGID login method. 
    • Directory:  Local NFS path to the folder you want to use. This is relative to the export.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    Lookup Table Gateway Out

    The lookup table gateway is used to fill a lookup table automatically from a message. See also information about importing data from a channel.

    Lookup Table Id: The technical id of the lookup table. 

    Append: Check this if you need to append the records contained in the messages going through this channel. Otherwise, the entire table will be replaced by the new values. 

    Criteria: If filled, only the values that match this criterion will be deleted or inserted in the target lookup table. The name must be the name of the column that must match. The value is the value that this column must have to be replaced. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    SAP Gateway Out

    With a SAP Out Gateway, outgoing messages are pushed from Babelway to a SAP server.

    The specific settings are:

    • SAP client: SAP client to use. This is the three digit number you use in the first field of the login screen of SAP Gui. It has the name 'Client' and is just above the user and password fields. For instance: 001, 210, 400
    • User: The Valid SAP user ID you want to use. Ideally this should be a user specially created for this purpose. For instance: user 
    • Password: Password associated with the user ID. For instance: password.
    • Server address: IP or DNS name for SAP application server. For instance: 
    • SAP system number: SAP system number is the last 2 digits of the SAP client. For instance: 01, 10, 00. Default is the last 2 digits of SAP client parameter 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Dropbox Gateway Out

    The Dropbox gateway out allows you to upload your messages into a Dropbox account.

    The specific settings are:

    Dropbox account: The name of the Dropbox account to which the messages will be sent. This information is "read only", and set by the wizard when you allow Babelway to access the Dropbox account. 

    Folder: The folder in your Dropbox account in which the messages will be placed. This folder will appear under the path /Apps/Babelway/ 

    Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    Exact Postbox Gateway Out

    The Exact gateway allows to send messages to Exact Postbox users. This gateway must be used with the Exact wizard and the message delivery is based solely on the content of the message sent.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Tradeshift Gateway Out

    This gateway allows you to send files directly to an account on Tradeshift.

    • API Prefix:  URL Prefix to call Tradeshift API. Default is 
    • Connection type: Choose 'Tenant' to connect to your own Tradeshift account and send the document from there. Choose 'Van' if you don't have a Tradeshift account and you need to dispatch the document to the account of someone else. 
    • Tenant Id: The Tradeshift tenantId to use. Use Babelway application in Tradeshift to retrieve this value.
    • Token: The Tradeshift token to use. Use Babelway application in Tradeshift to retrieve this value. 
    • Secret: The Tradeshift token secret to use. Use Babelway application in Tradeshift to retrieve this value.
    • Consumer key: The Tradeshift consumer key to use to authenticate the Babelway application. This should be left empty in most of the case. 
    • Consumer secret: The Tradeshift consumer secret to use to authenticate the Babelway application. This should be left empty in most of the case. 
    • Retry on http return code: Comma separated list of error Http return code that should be retried. If the return code is not in the list, the message is set in error. The default is '502,503,504'. 
    • Retry on patterns: Optional. If the HTTP response is success (HTTP code 2xx) and if the HTTP response matches one of the pattern(s) (regular expressions), the message will be retried. 
    • API suffix: The Tradeshift API to call. Do not include the URL prefix. 
    • Http Method: You can specify the http method to call. The default is PUT. 
    • Request content type: The content type of the generic api request. The default is text/xml. 
    • Response content type: The content type of the generic api response. The default is text/xml. 
    • Connected gateway: Select zero, one or several gateways to receive the response from the Tradeshift API.
    • Document Profile: The Tradeshift document profile.
    • Van: The van id used by Tradeshift to find the business partner. 
    • Country: The country used by Tradeshift to find the business partner.
    • Company Name:  The company name used by Tradeshift to find the business partner. 
    • Email: The email address used by Tradeshift to find the business partner. 
    • Identifier Scheme: The identifier scheme used by Tradeshift to find the business partner.
    • Identifier Value: The identifier value of the scheme used by Tradeshift to find the business partner. 
    • Additional query parameters: Key value pairs which will be added to the request. 
    • Additional properties:  Additional properties that can be set on the Tradeshift document. 
    • Retry strategy: Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error. 
    • No retry
    • aggressive
    • Keep trying for 15 minutes
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 1 hour 
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 3 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 8 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 1 day 
    • Will do 4 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 3 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
    • Keep trying for 5 days, once a day 
    • Will do One retry every day for 5 days at the same time as the first try.
    • Keep trying for 7 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first hour, then every 3 hours for 3 days, then every 6 hours.

    Connected Gateways: Select zero, one or several gateways to receive the response from the server. 

    User Metadata Transfer Strategy:  The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the new message created in the connected gateways. 

    Lookup Table Id: The technical id of the lookup table. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Amazon Marketplace Gateway Out

    This gateway allows to send 'Feeds' to an account on Amazon Marketplace.

    • Process: Request for changing this parameter. Type of process. 'Feed' is the only one supported at this stage. 
    • Endpoint: Request for changing this parameter. Endpoint is the entry point for an Amazon marketplace web service. Default is 
    • Access key: Amazon marketplace web services access key ID. 
    • Secret key: Amazon marketplace web services secret key ID. 
    • Seller Id: Amazon marketplace seller ID. 
    • Marketplace Id: Amazon marketplace ID. 
    • Feed type: Feed type see MWS doc. 
    • Retry strategy:  Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error. 

    • No retry
    • aggressive
    • Keep trying for 15 minutes
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 1 hour 
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 3 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 8 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 1 day 
    • Will do 4 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 3 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
    • Keep trying for 5 days, once a day 
    • Will do One retry every day for 5 days at the same time as the first try.
    • Keep trying for 7 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first hour, then every 3 hours for 3 days, then every 6 hours.


    This Gateway Out only sends Price and Inventory and Product messages to Amazon Marketplace.

    The below link has the complete list for all of the available FeedType in the Amazon MWS Feeds API section.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Billtrust Gateway Out

    With an BilltrustOut Gateway, outgoing messages are sent to Billtrust API.

    All the user defined metadata defined in the messages are passed in the context of the new message.

    The specific settings are:

    Url: External service address. 

    Login url: URL used to get OAUTH2 token. 

    Username: Login or username to access the service. 

    Password: Password associated with the username.

    Connected gateway: Select zero, one or several gateways to receive the response from the http server.

    Valid HTTP return code:  Comma separated list of expected return Http code. If the return code is not in the list, the message is set in error. The default is '200,201,202,204,205'. 

    Success expression: The success expression is a regex. If the response doesn't match the success expression, the message is flagged with 'error' status. 

    Response filename: You can specify a filename that will be associated with the server response. Default is 'attachment'. 

    User Metadata Transfer Strategy: The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the response message created in the connected gateways. 

    Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 

    Timeout: Timeout for connection in milliseconds. Must be between 10000 and 240000. 

    Http Method: You can specify the http method to call. The default is POST. 

    Http headers: You can add specific http header. This accepts metadata. 

    Trust level: The trust level defines the level of security used in the SSL handshake. Relax = No certificate verification, Standard = trusting certificates in environment certificates as well as known CA's, Paranoiac = only trusts certificates defined in the environment certificates. Mutual = requires 2-way authentication. 

    After channel deployment, your connection will be available to send messages.


    • In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    VAN Gateway Out

    This gateway allows to send files directly a Trading Partner’s VAN via the ECGrid VAN. A Trading Partner is the company whom you are going to send documents. It can be useful to integrate with Rite Aid or Wayfair for example.

    The VAN gateway routes the message to its destination based on the Identifier / Qualifier pair as determined in the X12 or Edifact data. They look like this:

    X12: ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SENDERID *ZZ*RECEIVERID *010101*0101*U*00401*000000001*0*T*!EDIFACT: UNB UNOA:1 SENDERID:ZZ RECEIVERID:ZZ

    For the VAN Out Gateway, your ID Is the Sender ID. Your Trading Partner ID is the Receiver ID.

    When sending a message through the gateway, two things may occur:

    1. The Receiver ID is known in the VAN database. If this is the case, your message will transmit properly to your receiver. The message will be successful.

    2. The Receiver ID is unknown in the VAN database. The message will be a failure. If this is the case, a new Trading Partner request must be sent. To do so, send the following to

    Subject: New Trading Partner RequestTrading Partner Name

    Trading Partner Qualifier / ID Pair

    Trading Partner VAN name

    Setup usually takes 5 business days depending on the receiver’s VAN. Babelway will confirm with you when the setup is complete.

    Once this is complete, you may begin using the channel to send to your trading partner.

    The specific settings are:

    Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB

    PEPPOL Gateway Out

    This gateway allows you to send files to the PEPPOL network.

    More information about PEPPOL in

    PEPPOL environment: Choose between the regular PEPPOL production infrastructure, connected to the SML, or the test infrastructure, connected to the SMK. The default is Production 

    Access Point Key: The peppol key you received as an access point. If none is provided, Babelway's key will be used. 

    Attachment Name: Name of the file sent by AS2. This is an extension to the base AS2 specification and might not be supported by all partners. By default no file name is sent. 

    Note: In order to change the PEPPOL environment to Production or Test regarding the "Gateway Out" then from "Gateway Out" properties select Production or Test from "PEPPOL environment" field, as shown below.

    Select PEPPOL environment Production or Test


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    RosettaNet Gateway Out

    This gateway allows you to send RosettaNet compliant PIP message to another RosettaNet Server. This Gateway must be used along with a RosettaNet message out.

    • Url: URL of the RosettaNet server of the receiver. 
    • Signature certificate: Select signature certificate or go to certificates store. 
    • Encryption certificate:  Select encryption certificate or go to certificates store. 
    • Attachment patterns: Attachments to add to the S/MIME message. Metadata = Pattern to match metadata containing the file to attach. Filename = name of the file in the zip. If one pattern matches multiple files, it is possible to put them all if you guarantee to generate a different filename name for each. This can be achieved by using the capturing groups of the regex in the filename. Ex: if your metadata pattern is attachment-(.*) and your filename is \1, processing with two metadata attachment-file1.csv and attachment-file2.csv will result in files file1.csv and file2.csv. 
    • Test flag: Select this to set the GlobalUsageCode in the ServiceHeader to 'Test'. Otherwise 'Production' is used. 


    • In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    NemHandel Gateway Out

    This gateway allows you to send messages to the Danish NemHandel network.

    • Registration certificate: Select the certificate use to register your information into the NemHandel registry. 
    • NemHandel environment: Choose between the regular NemHandel production infrastructure, or the test infrastructure. The default is Production.
    • Signature certificate: Select signature certificate or go to certificates store.
    • Retry strategy:  Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error. 

    • No retry
    • aggressive
    • Keep trying for 15 minutes
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 1 hour 
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 3 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 8 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 1 day 
    • Will do 4 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 3 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
    • Keep trying for 5 days, once a day 
    • Will do One retry every day for 5 days at the same time as the first try.
    • Keep trying for 7 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first hour, then every 3 hours for 3 days, then every 6 hours.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Chorus Pro Gateway Out

    This gateway allows you to send invoices and credit note to the French administration network.

    • Environment: This is the Chorus Pro environment you want to use: Production or Qualification. 
    • Technical API username:  This is the technical username provided by chorus pro support to access the API through Babelway. More information on how to have that username can be found below. 
    • Technical API password:  This is the technical password provided by chorus pro support to access the API through Babelway. More information on how to have that password can be found below. 
    • Retry strategy: Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error. 
  • No retry
  • aggressive
  • Keep trying for 15 minutes
  • Will retries after 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes.
  • Keep trying for 1 hour 
  • Will retries after 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
  • Keep trying for 3 hours 
  • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
  • Keep trying for 8 hours 
  • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
  • Keep trying for 1 day 
  • Will do 4 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
  • Keep trying for 3 days 
  • Will do 5 retries in the first 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
  • Keep trying for 5 days, once a day 
  • Will do One retry every day for 5 days at the same time as the first try.
  • Keep trying for 7 days 
  • Will do 5 retries in the first hour, then every 3 hours for 3 days, then every 6 hours.
  • Note:

    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.























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