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    Gateway Types: Part 3

    2012 0 Created on 2020-10-23 09:32:39; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:36

    Gateway Out

    • Email Gateway Out: With an Email Gateway Out, outgoing messages are attached to an email and sent to a specific email address.

    • FTP Client Gateway Out: With a Ftp Client Out Gateway, outgoing messages are transferred to an external Ftp server.

    • SFTP Client Gateway Out: With a SFTP Client Out Gateway, outgoing messages are transferred to an external SFTP server.

    • FTP Server Gateway Out:With a Ftp Server Out Gateway, outgoing messages are available from a Babelway FTP server.

    • SFTP Server Gateway Out:With a Sftp Server Out Gateway, outgoing messages are available from a Babelway SFTP server.

    • AS2 Gateway Out: A communication standard largely used in retail environment to secure communications over the Internet.

    • Internal Gateway Out: The internal gateways in / out are used to transfer messages between 2 channels inside the same Babelway environment.

    • Null Gateway Out: The outgoing messages are not sent anywhere.

    • Splitter Gateway Out: A gateway used to split your messages and pass them to other gateways.

    • Aggregator Gateway Out: The aggregator allows you to merge messages into one larger file. The resulting messages are forwarded to another channel in the same environment.

    • Lookup Table Gateway Out: Used to fill a lookup table automatically from a message.

    PEPPOL Gateway In

    This gateway allows to receive files from the PEPPOL network.

    PEPPOL ?

    The PEPPOL project was started in 2008 with the objective to enable businesses to communicate electronically with any European government institution in the procurement process. Seven years later, PEPPOL standard is gaining traction by the European governments but also within the industry (the site lists 99 certified PEPPOL Access Points providers).The three main components of the PEPPOL architecture are :

    • The Access Point (AP) : responsible to send and receive documents for a PEPPOL participant
    • The Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) : registry containing the Participant AP information. It tells you which access point must be contacted to send document of certain type to a PEPPOL participant
    • The Service Metadata Locator (SML) : the PEPPOL DNS Server. It tells you in which SMP a PEPPOL participant is registered


    PEPPOL In Gateway


    An "PEPPOL In Gateway" must be configured for one PEPPOL Participant (the receiver). There can be only one PEPPOL Gateway IN per participant identifier in Babelway.

    The identifier value is the value identifying the PEPPOL participant in a given identification scheme. Most of the time this is a national VAT or a GLN number. For easier use, you can, for each identifier, define a user-friendly name that we call a "label".

    When you deploy an "PEPPOL In Gateway", the gateway is registered as an Access Point for the receiver and document types in a Babelway SMP and the Babelway SMP is referenced in the SML for this participant.

    The participant SML status tells you if the participant is registered in the PEPPOL SML.


    PEPPOL In Gateway - Participant SML status

    Some actions are available depending on the participant status :

    • Prepare migration : Let you start the participant migration to another SMP than Babelway. It will generate a migration key that need to be exchange with the new SMP.
    • Migrate : If the participant is registered to another SMP in the SML, this action lets you migrate him to a Babelway SMP. The migration key received from the old SMP need to be entered.
    • Register : If the participant is not registered at all in the SML, you can register it by clicking on this action.

    Registered Documents

    Registered documents are UBL document type that are customized and categorized by PEPPOL business flows (i.e. : An UBL v2.1 Invoice that follows business specifications of the PEPPOL BIS 4a v2.0 ). One or more document types can be choose to configure the gateway.


    PEPPOL In Gateway - Document types

    Message Level Response

    A Message Level Response (MLR) can be sent back to the sender of the PEPPOL message. A MLR is a business acknowledgment that tells the sender if the received message follows business rules related to the document type and business flow. You can choose the "MLR strategy" in the Gateway IN configuration.

    PEPPOL Directory

    Participants registered in the Babelway SMP can optionnally also be published to PEPPOL Directory.

    Once your gateway is deployed, you will be able to see the defined identifiers in the PEPPOL directory ( for Production, and for Test environment).

    Undeploying your gateway will delete the participants from the PEPPOL Directory.

    Note that the process to add/delete participants to the PEPPOL Directory is asynchronous and might take some time until it actually shows up.

    Here is the summary of gateway properties:

    • PEPPOL environment: Choose between the regular PEPPOL production infrastructure, connected to the SML, or the test infrastructure, connected to the SMK. The default is Production 
    • Identifiers Values: The values identifying the PEPPOL participants. All values are mandatory.  The option 'Publish to PEPPOL directory' will only be taken into account if the PEPPOL participants is registered in the SMP of Babelway.  The 'label' of the PEPPOL participants will be used as the PEPPOL participant name in the PEPPOL directory (if the option is checked). 
    • Registered Documents: List of documents accepted by this gateway and registered in the SMP. 
    • Message Level Response:  Using this option you can decide to send MLR directly after message reception. The options are :  

    • Never send MLR MLR will never be sent automatically. The MLR is completely under the responsibility of the environment maintainer. This is the right choice if you want to generate a MLR based on the response of a back-end system or if the partner is not supporting MLR. 
    • On invalid document, send MLR and stop message processing with an error MLR is sent automatically if the incoming message is not conforming to the documents customization business rules (schematron rules). In this case the MLR is return and the message is marked as 'ERROR' in Babelway. With this strategy, the 'SUCCESS' business acknowledgement flow can be based on the response of a back-end system.
    • On invalid document, send MLR and continue message processing MLR is sent automatically if the incoming message is not conforming to the documents customization business rules (schematron rules). In this case the MLR is return but the message is not marked as 'ERROR' in Babelway. With this strategy, the 'SUCCESS' business acknowledgement flow can be based on the response of a back-end system. 
    • Always send MLR and stop message processing with an error MLR will always be sent back. An negative MLR is sent if the message is not conforming to the documents customization business rules (schematron rules), a positive MLR is sent otherwise. The message is put in error in case of a negative MLR.
    • Always send MLR and continue message processing MLR will always be sent back. An negative MLR is sent if the message is not conforming to the documents customization business rules (schematron rules), a positive MLR is sent otherwise. The message is not put in error in case of a negative MLR. 
    • Participant SML status: The status of the participant in the PEPPOL SML 
    • Access Point Key: The peppol key you received as an access point. If none is provided, the Babelway's key will be used. 
    • SMP Key Alias: They key with which you wish to be registered as an SMP. If none is provided, your participants and documents will be registered on Babelway's SMP. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    RosettaNet Gateway In

    This gateway allows to receive RosettaNet compliant PIP message from an other RosettaNet Server. The resulting message is the body of the Service Content section of the MIME message. Signature and Encryption are supported.

    • Url: URL of the RosettaNet server of the receiver. 
    • Return receipt acknowledgment:  Return the ReceiptAcknowledgment (RNIF v2.00) synchronously to the caller. If the option is not selected, the content of a valid ReceiptAcknowledgment is placed in the metadata of the message with the name 'RosettaNetReceiptIn' to be used later by the processing. 
    • Decryption certificate: Select encryption certificate or go to certificates store. 
    • Signature verification certificate: Select signature certificate or go to certificates store.


    • In the "General" page for this Gateway In you can see the "Poll now" button. When clicking on this button this will poll all of the messages immediately (and will not wait for the next defined moment).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    ePrior Gateway In

    This Gateway allows to receive messages through ePrior requests.

    The specific settings are:

    Signature Verification Certificate: The X509 certificate used to verify the signature of the incomming ePrior requests.  

    Document Type: The document type which is accepted by the ePrior gateway. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Simpl.ePrior Gateway In

    This Gateway allows to receive messages through Simpl.ePrior requests.

    The specific settings are:

    Signature Verification Certificate: The X509 certificate used to verify the signature of the incomming Simpl.ePrior requests. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    NemHandel Gateway In

    This gateway allows you to receive messages from the Danish NemHandel network.

    • Registration certificate: Select the certificate use to register your information into the NemHandel registry. 
    • NemHandel environment: Choose between the regular NemHandel production infrastructure, or the test infrastructure. The default is Production 
    • Identifiers Values: The values identifying the NemHandel participants. 
    • Registered Documents:  List of documents accepted by this gateway.
    • Signature certificate: Select signature certificate or go to certificates store. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Chorus Pro Gateway In

    This gateway allows you to get information from the Chorus Pro platform, the French administration network.

    • Environment: This is the Chorus Pro environment you want to use: Production or Qualification. 
    • Action type:  This is the action you want to perform on the Chorus Pro platform. This includes : 
    • invoice_status: This will fetch last 100 invoices you've submitted to the Chorus Pro platform and will create an XML document that looks like the following :
    • Technical API username:  This is the technical username provided by chorus pro support to access the API through Babelway. More information on how to have that username can be found below. 
    • Technical API password: This is the technical password provided by chorus pro support to access the API through Babelway. More information on how to have that password can be found below. 
    • Cron Expression: Allows you to specify the frequency of the calls to the Chorus Pro platform with a cron expression. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at: For more information, please refer to the following page:

    XML generated for the invoice_status action type :



    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Oracle Fusion Gateway In

    This Gateway allows to receive messages through Oracle Fusion Collaboration Message Framework (CMK).

    The specific settings are:

    • Authentication Method: How the inbound message is authenticated. The two methods are HTTP's Basic authentication (username/password) or WS-Security signature 
    • Username: Login or username to access the service. 
    • Password: Password associated with previous username.
    • Signature Verification Certificate: The X509 certificate used to verify the signature of the incoming Oracle Fusion requests. 
    • ConfirmBOD success code behavior: The value to use for the ProcessingResultCode in the ConfirmBOD message on successful message reception
    • SOAP Url: The endpoint for the SOAP Post protocol. 


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

    Email Gateway Out

    With an Email Gateway Out, outgoing messages are attached to an email and sent to a specific email address.

    The specific settings are:

    • To Recipients: Email address to which messages will be sent (Email address from which messages will appear to be sent. Replies will be sent to that address. ). You can add a comma separated list of recipients or a metadata. The field allows 500 characters to support a list of email addresses but each individual email address is caped to 100 characters.
    • Cc Recipients: Email destination CC address. You can add a comma separated list of recipients or a metadata.
    • Bcc Recipients: Email destination Bcc address. You can add a comma separated list of recipients or a metadata. 
    • Sending Email Address: Email address from which messages will appear to be sent. Replies will be sent to that address. 
    • Secure Email:  If checked, the email message is signed using the transfer certificate. The sending email address should be where XXXXX is your account environment id. 
    • Track email using web beacon:  If checked, a web beacon (an image containing a unique link) will be in the footer of the email. When the image is loaded for the first time, it will report it as an acknowledgement of the reception of the message. The message is successful when it has been delivered to all recipients, and opened by at least one. 
    • Subject:  Email message subject. 
    • Body type: [text/plain , text/html] default is text/plain 
    • Email body: Email message Body.  HTML codes See for an online tool. 
    • Send message as attachment:  Should the message be sent as attachment or not. 
    • Attachment name: Attachment file name [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Send message as a link: Add a download link in the message body. When the link is first clicked, it will "acknowledge" the message and mark it as successful. The link expiration period is 30 days from the moment the link is sent. 
    • Text of message link: This is the text displayed for the download link. Default: "download message". 
    • Attachments: Allows you to attach other files to the email. Name = filename of the attachment. Value = Pattern to match metadata containing the file to attach. If one pattern matches multiple files, it is possible to attach them all if you guarantee to generate a different filename name for each. This can be achieved by using the capturing groups of the regex in the filename. Ex: if your metadata pattern is attachment-(.*) and your filename is \1, processing with two metadata attachment-file1.csv and attachment-file2.csv will result in files file1.csv and file2.csv. 


    • In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 105 MB.

    FTP Client Gateway Out

    With a Ftp Client Out Gateway, outgoing messages are transferred to an external Ftp server. You may wish to use this gateway for example to integrate with Wayfair.

    The following fields should be defined in order to configure access to your external ftp server:

    • Server: External ftp server address where Babelway should send messages eg 
    • Username: Login or username to access files on this external ftp server.
    • Password: Password associated with the username. 
    • Passive Mode:  Indicates that the ftp connection is in passive. Ticking it means the ftp client will establish 2 connections to the ftp server. 
    • Retry strategy: Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error. 
    • No retry
    • aggressive
    • Keep trying for 15 minutes
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 1 hour 
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 3 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 8 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 1 day 
    • Will do 4 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 3 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
    • Keep trying for 5 days, once a day 
    • Will do One retry every day for 5 days at the same time as the first try.
    • Keep trying for 7 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first hour, then every 3 hours for 3 days, then every 6 hours.
    • Directory: Directory where outgoing files will be stored on the server. 
    • Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Filename during transfer: Prefix and suffix that will be prepended and appended to the file name when a file is being transferred. This mechanism is used to prevent that a file is read before it is complete. However some systems do not allow to remotely rename files or directly process and delete the file triggering an ERROR in Babelway. 
    • Protocol: Select FTP, FTPS (Explicit mode) or FTPS (Implicit mode) protocol. 
    • Private Key: The private key associated with the username to access your account. This can be left empty if you choose to only use the password authentication mechanism.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    FTP Server Gateway Out

    With a Ftp Server Out Gateway, outgoing messages are available from a Babelway FTP server, where they can be fetched.

    The specific settings are:

    • Server: Babelway ftp server is the hostname for the ftp server where the files will be made available to download. 
    • Username: Login or username to access your account on Babelway ftp server. This username must be unique as it is linked to a specific directory on the ftp server. 
    • Password: Password associated with the username to access your account. 
    • Directory: The directory on the ftp server into which the outgoing files will be written. 
    • Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Time out:  During how much time the file will be kept available on the FTP server. After this timeout, the file will be automatically removed from the FTP server (it you did not do it before). If the file was never downloaded, the file will also be marked in ERROR, because it has not reached its destination. To be warned the soonest possible of errors, we recommend that you set here the lowest possible value. Example : if an automatic process polls the files from here every hour, a value of "3 hours" will allow you to be notified of the problem after just 2 or 3 failed/missing polling, while a value of "30 days" would lead to files leaving there, without any automatic notification, until some user worries about lack of files. 

    After channel deployment, your ftp server will be available to receive messages. You can access this ftp server using any ftp client software set up with the previous account settings.


    • The ports used for the FTP connections in Babelway are: (FTP, FTPs explicit : 20020-21020, FTPs implicit : 22021-23020).
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    SFTP Server Gateway Out

    With a Sftp Server Out Gateway, outgoing messages are available from a Babelway FTP server, where they can be fetched.

    The specific settings are:

    • Server: Babelway sftp server is the hostname for the sftp server where the files will be made available to download. 
    • Username: Login or username to access your account on Babelway ftp server. This username must be unique as it is linked to a specific directory on the ftp server.
    • Password: Password associated with the username to access your account. 
    • Public  Key:  The public key associated with the username. This can be left empty if you choose to only use the password authentication mechanism. The supported formats are RSA public key (OpenSSH, Putty or DER format). More information about generating such a key can be found at the end of this page. 
    • Directory: The directory on the ftp server into which the outgoing files will be written. 
    • Filename:  Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Time out:  During how much time the file will be kept available on the FTP server. After this timeout, the file will be automatically removed from the FTP server (it you did not do it before). If the file was never downloaded, the file will also be marked in ERROR, because it has not reached its destination. To be warned the soonest possible of errors, we recommend that you set here the lowest possible value. Example : if an automatic process polls the files from here every hour, a value of "3 hours" will allow you to be notified of the problem after just 2 or 3 failed/missing polling, while a value of "30 days" would lead to files leaving there, without any automatic notification, until some user worries about lack of files.  

    After channel deployment, your sftp server will be available to receive messages. You can access this sftp server using any sftp client software set up with the previous account parameters.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    SFTP Client Gateway Out

    With a SFTP Client Out Gateway, outgoing messages are transferred to an external SFTP server.

    The specific settings are:

    • Server: External sftp server address where Babelway will send messages. 
    • Username: Login or username to access files on this external sftp server.
    • Password: Password associated with the username to access account. 
    • Private Key: The private key associated with the previous username to access your account. This can be left empty if you choose to only use the password authentication mechanism. The supported formats are RSA private key (OpenSSH format). 
    • Retry  strategy: Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error. 
    • No retry
    • aggressive
    • Keep trying for 15 minutes
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 1 hour 
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 3 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 8 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 1 day 
    • Will do 4 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 3 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
    • Keep trying for 5 days, once a day 
    • Will do One retry every day for 5 days at the same time as the first try.
    • Keep trying for 7 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first hour, then every 3 hours for 3 days, then every 6 hours.
    • Directory: Directory where outgoing files will be stored on the server. 
    • Filename:  Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • Filename during transfer: Prefix and suffix that will be prepended and appended to the file name when a file is being transferred. This mechanism is used to prevent that a file is read before it is complete. However some systems do not allow to remotely rename files or directly process and delete the file triggering an ERROR in Babelway. 

    Babelway provides a unique private key per environment named Transfer that can be used in "private Key" and then share the "public key" one with the partner, For the SFTP Client Gateway Out when using the public and private key authentication mechanism.

    Below in the steps that you will follow to be able to use this certificate.

    1-You do need to set the private key on Babelway and share the public one with your partner, From the GATEWAY OUT (SFTP_CLIENT) select "Transfer" from the dropdown of the Private Key.


    SFTP Gateway Out

    2-The public key to provide to your partner can be downloaded from Channels - Certificates - Your certificates

    Your Certificates

    3-By downloading the SSH version and sending it to your partner to add it into his SFTP server implementation.

    Key Certificate Detail


    • Babelway By default connect to the remote SFTP server on port 22 but if you want to connect to this remote SFTP server using different port then use the below.
    • In the Server field add the port number you want to use it, For example if use X.X.X.X:1722 in the Server field which means connect to the remote SFTP server X.X.X.X on port 1722.
    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.

    OFTP Client Gateway Out

    With an OFTP Client out Gateway, outgoing messages are transferred to an external OFTP server.

    The specific settings are:

    • Partner SSID: The OFTP ID provided by your partner. 
    • Partner SFID: The SFID provided by your partner. If none has been provided, this is probably the same as the SSID.
    • Partner password: The password of your partner. Provided by your partner. 
    • My SSID: Babelway is providing an official Odette SSID : O01770000000000X0B5SHARED. Please call support if you want to use a different one. 
    • My SFID: An SFID is automatically assigned to your Environment : O01770000000000X0B5xxxxx where xxxxx is the ID of your Babelway environment. Please call support if you want to use a different one. 
    • My password:  The value of the password is 'BABELWAY'. 
    • Filename: Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. 
    • OFTP documentation:  File containing instructions and certificates for the installation. You should download it and send it to your OFTP partner. 
    • Server: The URL of the server of your partner. It is provided by your partner. 
    • Port: The port to connect to. It is provided by your partner.
    • Use TLS: Use TLS (SSL) for communication 
    • Secure Authentication Certificate: Use this certificate to perform client side TLS (SSL) authentication. 
    • Skip EERP:  Select this if your partner is not sending the mandatory EERP. The message will be set in SUCCESS directly after upload. 
    • Use compression: Compresses the messages. 
    • Secure Authentication:  Use OFTP2 'Secure Authentication'. This will use the certificates defined for encryption and signature. 
    • Sign messages: Sign outgoing messages using the key selected in "Signature certificate". This allows your partner to verify that you are the one sending the message. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Signature certificate: Select signature certificate or go to certificates store. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Encrypt messages: Encrypt outgoing messages using the certificate selected in "Encryption certificate". This allows your partner to be the only one able to decrypt the messages sent. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Encryption certificate: Select encryption certificate or go to certificates store. 
    • Encryption algorithm: Select encryption algorithm or go to certificates store. 
    • Receive signed messages: This allows you to verify that your partner is the one sending the message using the certificate selected in "Signature verification certificate". This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • Signature verification certificate: Select certificate for data or go to certificates store. 
    • Request signed ack (EERP): Requests that incoming acknowledgments are signed. The signature will be verified using the Certificate selected in "EERP verification certificate". This allows you to be sure that only the partner could have signed the incoming messages. This option is only available with OFTP 2.0. 
    • EERP verification certificate: Select certificate for EERP or go to certificates store.
    • Transfer mode: Advanced. Once the connection is open, the OFTP gateway will act as both sender and receiver by default. You can control this by setting the following values : BOTH / RECEIVER_ONLY / SENDER_ONLY 
    • Version: Advanced. Babelway is supporting both OFTP1 and OFTP2. When a connection is open, Babelway is using the OFTP built-in mechanism to negotiate the protocol version. The protocol will be the highest possible. Valid values are : OFTP_V12 for version 1.2 / OFTP_V13 for version 1.3 / OFTP_V14 for version 1.4 / OFTP_V20 for version 2.0 
    • File format: Advanced. Babelway is supporting all types of records. Valid values are : FIXED / TEXTFILE / UNSTRUCTURED / VARIABLE. Default is UNSTRUCTURED 
    • Record max size: Advanced. You can specify the record size (only used for FIXED and VARIABLE) 
    • Credit Count: Advanced. Control the OFTP "creditCount" parameter. This is the number of data command ( = CREDIT) that could be exchanged prior to an OFTP confirmation from the partner. Default is 64 
    • Data exchange buffer size: Advanced. Control the OFTP "dataExchangeBufferSize" parameter. This is the size of the OFTP data buffer. It should be smaller than the maxBDataLen for ISDN connection. The minimum is 128 bytes and the maximum is 4096 for ISDN and 65535 for TCP connections. Default is 1024 
    • Retry strategy: Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error. 

    • No retry
    • aggressive
    • Keep trying for 15 minutes
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 7, 10 and 15 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 1 hour 
    • Will retries after 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
    • Keep trying for 3 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 8 hours 
    • Will do 6 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 1 day 
    • Will do 4 retries in the first hour, then every hour.
    • Keep trying for 3 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
    • Keep trying for 5 days, once a day 
    • Will do One retry every day for 5 days at the same time as the first try.
    • Keep trying for 7 days 
    • Will do 5 retries in the first hour, then every 3 hours for 3 days, then every 6 hours.

    After channel deployment, your Oftp server will be available to send messages. You can access this oftp server using any Oftp client software set up with the previous account settings.

    After channel deployment, your Oftp server will be available to send messages. You can access this oftp server using any Oftp client software set up with the previous account settings.

    If you require a custom SSID / SFID / PASSWORD, please send a request to .

    When a message is transferred to the Oftp server, it is processed immediately then the original file is removed from the server.

    Note: When sending the message through this "Gateway Out" and the message fell in error "Unable to establish TLS connection to remote OFTP server for SSID XXXXXXXXXXX due to : General SSLEngine problem", This error means that there is a problem occurred while building SSL connection with the remote server, In order to fix this issue we will need to trust the self-signed SSL certificate used in the remote server by following the below steps.

    1-From the "certificates" page in the "Trusted certificates" tab click on the "Trust new certificate" button.

    Provide the sever IP and Port or URL and Port in the "Trusted Url" field then click on the "Trust root certificate", as shown below.

    Lookup table detail - duplicate table

    After that done forget to deploy the environment in order to push this changes to production, Then the messages should be processed successfully.


    • If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link
    • The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.

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