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    System Metadata

    1812 0 Created on 2021-01-26 12:03:50; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:37

    System metadata is metadata that is defined in the system and contains useful information relating to the message being processed. See the Metadata chapter for reference and examples of use.

    Table 4.1. List of System Metadata

    Code Name Description Example
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_message} Message context    
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_accountId} Account ID Return the ID of the account that has the processing Hub. 31059
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_hubId} Hub ID Return the ID of the account environment that processed the message. 31059
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_channelId} Channel ID Return the ID of the channel that processed the message. 497959
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_receiveDay} Receive Day Return the day on which the message was delivered by the system. 20181129
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_receiveTime} Receive Time Return the time at which the message was delivered by the system. 20181129-193446
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_receiveTime_extended} Receive Time extended Return the extended receive time. 20181129-193446-968
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_message_reference} Message reference Return the message reference. 188e6721-0131-4e8c-979f-991c2e561c07
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_client_reference} Client reference A reference for the client.  
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_in_filename} Input file name Return the name of the input file. ABNAmroFunds_AAA.xls
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_in_filename_no_extension} Input file name Return the name of the input file with no extension. ABNAmroFunds_AAA
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_out_filename} Output file name Return the name of the output file. 20090430_ABNAMROLUX_MMF.xls
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_out_fileContent} Output file content    
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_mail_from} The sender email address Return the sender mail of the message.
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_mail_to} The receiver email address Return the receiver mail of the message.
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_mail_subject} Email message subject Return the subject mail which containing the message. FW: Abnamrofunds_AAA.xls - MMF - 20090430
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_mail_body} Mail body  Return the body mail which containing the message javax.mail.internet. MimeMultipart@13dc44a
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_mail_send_date} Mail sending date Return the sending date of the email message. 1241422103000
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_as2_receive_date} AS2 message receive date Return the receiving date of the AS2 message. 1241504709696
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_as2_send_date} AS2 send date Return the sending date of the email message.  
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_as2_from} AS2 from address Return the AS2 sender address. C4NETBE
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_as2_to} AS2 to address Return the AS2 receiver address. BABELWAY_AS2_25010
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_as2_message_id} AS2 message ID Return the ID of the AS2 message. d19bc8_1210d8ea134_-45ec @C4NETBE_host
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_in_user} User ID Return the user ID on Babelway whom submit the message. 37145
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_receiveTimestamp} Receive time Stamp Return Receive Time Stamp. 1543971767773
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_message_uuid} Message Universally Unique Identifier Return the message key. 188e6721-0131-4e8c-979f-991c2e561c07
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_fromId} From Gateway IN ID Return the ID of the Gateway which the message coming from. 593901
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_toId} To Gateway Out ID Return the ID of the Gateway which the message going to. 593908
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_transformationId} Transformation ID Return the transformation ID which the message proceed by. 593910
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_server} Server Name Return the server name that proceed the message. up1
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_in_size} Input message size Return the input message size. 148
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_out_size} Output message size Return the output message size. 124
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_in_md5} MD5 message-digest algorithm Return MD5 message-digest algorithm. VTvxDNgUS4 B/Bjp4fo LA==
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_out_payload_type} Payload type Return the Payload type. xml
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_max_thread} Max Thread Return Max Thread value. 1
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_runtime_key_suffix} Run time key suffix Return run time key suffix. .transformation-593910_test
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_aggregator_group_by} Aggregator group by metadata Grouping incoming messages based on the value of a metadata. 3 messages arrive with value A, B and A in the selected metadata. The aggregator will generate 1 file with the 2 messages with value A and 1 file with 1 message with the value B
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_original_message_uuid} First step message key Return the first step message key. 16079bbc-cb78-4921-a5e7-bcc5fd1a6fff
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_gatewayInMessageKey} Gateway In message key Return the Gateway In message key.
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_gatewayOutMessageKey} Gateway Out message key Return the Gateway Out message key.
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_gatewayInMessageStatus} Gateway In message status Return the Gateway In message status. Received from ( using Smtp In server
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_gatewayOutMessageStatus} Gateway Out message status Return the Gateway Out message status. Message in the gateway out queue since 28/10/2019 16:44:20.
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_gatewayInType} Gateway In type Return the Gateway In type. mail
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_testMessage} Test message Return the true if the processed message is test case. true
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_gatewayInTimestamp} Gateway In timestamp Return the Gateway In timestamp when the message is processed. 1572276323981
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_in_content_type} In content type Return the input message content type. text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"; name="This is a test message.txt"
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_mail_message_id} Mail message ID Return the email message ID.
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_as2_subject} AS2 subject Return the AS2 subject value. Test Subject
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_as2_type} AS2 type Return the AS2 type of the message. application/octet-stream
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_aggregator_groupBy} Aggregator group by Return the aggregator group by value. Test value
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_error_code} Error code Return the error message. Problem in transformation 737032: Content is not allowed in prolog.;Line#: '1';Column#: '1'.
    {com_babelway_messaging_context_testCaseId} Test case ID Return the test case ID 397585
    {com_babelway_messaging_current_split_number} Split number This has the value of the current split number for the splitter "Gateway Out" and it is used in the "Response filename" field in the "Internal" section, And its value starts from 0. 0
    Important note

    The system metadata are not propagated from one channel to another.

    We will store the system metadata in a user defined metadata to be able to propagate it from one channel to another.

    The user defined metadata are propagated from one channel to another.

    For more information about the user defined metadata check this link: user defined metadata


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