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    Home / Tradeshift Documentation / Tradeshift Partner Apps / Babelway / Chapter 4. Channels

    Certificate`s Details

    1483 2 Created on 2021-01-26 10:10:36; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:37

    The certificate's details page regroups and displays all the useful information about a certificate, and gives access to several actions such as revoking the certificate, or downloading it.


     An alias to easily identify the certificate. 

     Distinguished Name 

     A set of information about the certificate, used to uniquely identify it. 

     Serial Number 

     Internal parameter used to classify certificates. 

     Expiration Date 

     Date after which the certificate will no longer be valid. 

    Several actions are available, to help you easily manage every certificate in your keystore, and share them with your partner or across applications.


     Download the certificate in PKCS12 format. 

     Download PKCS7 

     Download the certificate in PKCS7 format. 

     Download SSH 

     Download the certificate's public key in pub format encoded as an ssh-rsa key. 


     Definitely remove a certificate from your Babelway keystore. 

    Related items

    This tab contains quick links to many other elements related to this gateway.

     Using channels 

     All the channels that use this element. 

     Using gateways 

     All the Gateways that use this certificate (by default, and depending on the trust level setting, https gateways trust   the certificates present in you keystore). 

     Connected Message Definition (through   extra-processing) 

     List of message definitions that have an extra-processing related to this certificate. 


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