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    Canada Validation Rules

    38 1 Created on 2021-12-09 10:42:09; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:39

    Levi Strauss invoice firewall requirements are as follows:

    • ID
    • Legal Entity
    • Supplier VAT/GST identification number
    • Customer's VAT/GST identification number
    • Person Reference email address - Required for Non-PO
    • Issue Date
    • ID (Purchase Order Reference) - Required for PO supplier’s
    • Line ID - Required for PO supplier group
    • Price
    • Quantity
    • Currency
    • Delivery address
      • Region codes must be input in 2 character ISO format. Example ON versus Ontario
    • Line Tax
    • Line description
    • Line quantity
    • Line unit of measure
    • Line price
    • Tax Exemption Reason (Required for certain tax values chosen) - Required only if exempt tax code is selected, optional otherwise
    • Invoice Amount cannot be 0.00

    Levi Strauss credit note firewall requirements are as follows:

    • Credit Note ID
    • Legal Entity
    • Invoice Number
    • Invoice Line Number
    • Issue Date
    • Purchase Order Line ID - Required if PO number present at header
    • Line description
    • Line quantity
    • Line unit of measure
    • Line price
    • Line tax

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