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    CFDI schema (for Mexican suppliers, in English)

    424 0 Created on 2020-11-06 15:26:41; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:36

    Dear Supplier,

    If you are a domestic Mexican supplier, the below CFDI addenda are required by LS&Co. for invoice and credit note processing compliance within the Tradeshift platform. Please work with your PAC provider as soon as practical to ensure your CFDI invoice .xml files contain the required data to avoid delays in processing your invoices.

    In the event CFDI schema changes cannot implemented prior to your first invoice date on the Tradeshift platform, please ensure the PDF copy of all invoices includes one of the below values, until CFDI .xml changes can be implemented on your CFDI invoice format.  

    Critical information to include on PDF invoice copies is as follows:

    • Valid Tradeshift Purchase Order document.  This is required for all supplier invoices that are members of the PO supplier group in Tradeshift. Tradeshift Purchase Order numbers are 10 digits in length and begin with a ‘7’.
    • Non-PO Invoices are allowed only for specific suppliers and must include a person reference in the form of a valid email address.  This value ensures routing to the correct individual within Levi’s that will be responsible for reviewing and coding the invoice for processing.            

    In the event this information is omitted in both the CFDI .xml and the PDF invoice your invoice may be rejected and will require reissuance.

    For suppliers not subject to CFDI compliance, please refer to the supplier Knowledge Base for invoice data requirements as posted on the supplier landing page:

    CFDI addenda requirements are noted below.  Any values indicated in red font and yellow highlighting should be replaced with the appropriate values on the actual invoice documents. Additional details about each element is noted in blue font and should be excluded from the addenda, as it is informational only.

    INVOICE addenda






    Value of the Payment number associated with the Invoice


    Value of the Purchase Order number associated with the Invoice


    The actual Delivery Date of the related goods or services


    Value of the intended person email address that the document has to reach

     <InvoicePurchaseOrderID LineID="1"></InvoicePurchaseOrderID>

     <InvoicePurchaseOrderID LineID="2"></InvoicePurchaseOrderID>

     <InvoicePurchaseOrderID LineID="3"></InvoicePurchaseOrderID>

    Value of the Line IDs of the associated Purchase Order





    Invoice notes:

    • PurchaseOrder: Represents the PO linked with the invoice.  A PO document may be referenced by multiple different invoices, but each invoice must reference only one PO document.          

    • InvoicePurchaseOrderID: Represents the element which contains the attribute “LineID” for the associated PO (the Line ID of the linked PO). Values need to be added to the attribute (1, 2, 3, etc).  Values CAN also be added to the element itself. Example: <InvoicePurchaseOrderID LineID="3"> 7333000025</InvoicePurchaseOrderID>

    Sample CFDI Invoice

    Invoice XML sample and addenda xsd.


    CREDIT NOTE Addenda: 






    Value of the Purchase Order number associated with the Credit Note


    Value of the Invoice number associated with the Credit Note


    Value of the intended person email address that the document has to reach

    <CreditNoteInvoiceID LineID="1"></CreditNoteInvoiceID>

    <CreditNoteInvoiceID LineID="2"></CreditNoteInvoiceID>

    <CreditNoteInvoiceID LineID="3"></CreditNoteInvoiceID>

    Value of the Line IDs of the associated Invoice

    <CreditNotePurchaseOrderID LineID="1"></CreditNotePurchaseOrderID>

    <CreditNotePurchaseOrderID LineID="2"></CreditNotePurchaseOrderID>

    <CreditNotePurchaseOrderID LineID="3"></CreditNotePurchaseOrderID>

    Value of the Line IDs of the associated Purchase Order





    Credit note notes:

    • PurchaseOrder:  Represents the PO linked with the invoice
    • InvoiceID:  Associated Invoice Number for the Credit Note
    • CreditNoteInvoiceID: Represents the element which contains the attribute “LineID” for the associated Invoice (the Line ID of the linked Invoice). Values need to be added to the attribute (1, 2, 3, etc). Values CAN also be added to the element itself. Example:   <CreditNoteInvoiceID LineID="1">CFDIORA0001</CreditNoteInvoiceID>
    • CreditNotePurchaseOrderID: Represents the element which contains the attribute “LineID” for the associated PO (the Line ID of the linked PO). Values need to be added to the attribute (1, 2, 3, etc).  Values CAN also be added to the element itself. Example:  <CreditNotePurchaseOrderID LineID="1"> 7333000026</CreditNotePurchaseOrderID>


    Sample CFDI Credit Note

    Credit Note XML sample and addenda xsd.


    If you have further questions related to the above addenda please consult with your PAC provider or log a support ticket directly with Tradeshift via the assistance section on the supplier landing page:


    Levi Strauss and Company

    Accounts Payable Team

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