Levi Strauss Mexico
CFDI Schema (para proveedores mexicanos)
Estimador proveedor: Si usted es un proveedor mexicano, requiere agregar el CFDI para cumplir con el procesamiento de facturas y notas de crédito de LS&Co en la Plataforma Tradeshift; trabaje junto con su proveedor PAC tan pronto como le sea posible ...
CFDI schema (for Mexican suppliers, in English)
Dear Supplier, If you are a domestic Mexican supplier, the below CFDI addenda are required by LS&Co. for invoice and credit note processing compliance within the Tradeshift platform. Please work with your PAC provider as soon as practical to ensure y ...
Levi Strauss de México: Tradeshift Capacitación a Proveedores en Línea (seminario web - 18.11.2020)
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Mexico Validation Rules
MEXICO Levi Strauss firewall requirements are as follows: Vendor name and address Vendor Tax number Levi Strauss legal name and billing address Levi Strauss Tax number for office being billed Unique Invoice Number – maximum of 16 characters Invoice D ...